IBIG Journal Club 2024 - 6 WEBINARS
Agenda of the Journal Club (all webinars will be in English):
22 March 3 – 4 pm CET: Ilya Lipkovich (Eli Lilly), Modern approaches for evaluating treatment effect heterogeneity from clinical trials and observational data
10 April 3 – 4 pm CEST: Silvia Noirjean (GSK), Introduction to causal inference
26 June 3 – 4 pm CEST: Luca Rondano (Politecnico of Turin), Investigating the impact of DMC recommendations on the probability of trial success
9 September 3 – 4 pm CEST: Libby Daniells (Lancaster University) and Pavel Mozgunov (University of Cambridge), Adding baskets to an ongoing basket trial with information borrowing: when do you benefit?
16 October 3 – 4 pm CEST: Gaëlle Saint-Hilary (Saryga, Politecnico of Turin), Simple approaches for portfolio quantitative decision-making
13 December 3 – 4 pm CET: Veronica Sciannameo (Alira Health), Bayesian hierarchical modeling in interim futility analysis for two parallel clinical trials
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Total cost of the Journal Club (6 webinars)
- 60 € (no VAT) for SIMeF ETS members - LINK
- 120 € + VAT for non-SIMeF ETS members
Registration and payment:
To register, please click on the button located at the bottom of the page (note: registration form is in Italian - please refer
here for instructions in English on how to complete the form). The participation fee is to be paid via bank transfer to SIMeF ETS.
Credit Agricole
IBAN: IT53J0623009494000030634813
Please send the payment receipt to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. and provide the VAT identification number or tax code (for transactions outside Italy). Only for Italy: indicare il codice univoco per la fatturazione.